High-quality products,
rave reviews.

Made in the UK
Expertly crafted,
proudly made in the UK.
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Included with every
branded order.
Made in the UK
High-quality and locally
crafted chalkboards.

Chalkboards UK works with and supplies a number of Chalkboard Artists across the country.
To support this working relationship, we have put together a directory of Artists so that you can have the best of both worlds - British made chalkboards, with professionally screen printed logos, complimented by great-looking chalk art from a chalkboard artist local to you.
Chalk Artists
Midlands - West
Charlie Chork
Wolverhampton (20 years experience all over the UK and abroad)
Phone: 07890 921220
Email: charliechork90@googlemail.com
Magic Chalks
Cali Martin Based in Birmingham (covering the whole of the UK)
Phone: 07871677660
Email: magicchalks@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/magicchalks/
Hannah Exall (Exall Design)
Birmingham B14 7EH 50-mile radius served (Anywhere in the UK if small enough to post)
Phone: 07521 800998
Email: hello@hannahexall.co.uk
Website: www.hannahexall.co.uk
James Mason - James Mason Chalkboards
Gloucester, South West and West Midlands
Phone: 07511 039118
Email: jamesmasonchalkboards@gmail.com
Photographs supplied on request
Steve Bird Signwriters
Walsall WS9 (UK Wide)
Phone: 07752 544480
Email: postersandsigns@gmail.com
Website: www.stevebirdsigns.com
East ChalkyAds - Adam Mould
Ely, East Cambridgeshire, CB6 1HN (Serving the East, London and the South East)
Phone: 07878 040360
Email: adam@chalkyads.co.uk
Website: www.chalkyads.co.uk Instagram: www.instagram.com/chalkyads
North East
Chalkboard Artist - Jamie Ridgeway (Leeds - nationwide and abroad covered)
Phone: 07903 393231
Email: jamieridgway@hotmail.co.uk
Website: www.chalkboardartist.co.uk
Chalkboard Lady
Mandy Miller Beverley, near Hull (60-mile radius served)
Phone: 07949 009720
Email: mandylmiller@hotmail.co.uk
Website: www.chalkboardlady.co.uk
Chalkboard Pete
Peter Pickles 2 Yarborough Road Grimsby Yorkshire, Humberside, North East Lincolnshire, Nationwide. Phone: 07868154521
email: chalkboardpete@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chalkboardpete/
North West
Damian Whyatt Signwriting
Stockport, SK6 6HG. (50-mile radius served)
Phone: 07971 952742
Email: damian@dwhyattsigns.co.uk
Website: www.dwhyattsigns.co.uk
Mike High
Stockport SK2 5UU Covers North West, North Wales, Peak District, Derbyshire.
(Can supply boards by post)
Phone: 07813680835
Email: mikeschalkboards@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chalkboardsbymike
Julie Ryan
Liverpool, L31 2JY. (100-mile radius served)
Phone: 07956 655446
Email: juliechalkboard@gmail.com
Photographs supplied on request
Quick Draw Chalk Boards - Helen Thornton
Edinburgh EH15 1HE (100 mile radius served)
Phone: 07899 835308
Email: helenkatethornton@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.quickdrawchalkboards.co.uk
South East
Frederique Harber
Worthing, West Sussex
Phone: 07891569439
Email: frederiqueharber@gmail.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/frederiqueharber/
Little Brush Strokes - Sarah Bowles
Canterbury, Kent
Phone: 07789995237
Email: littlebrushstrokes@outlook.com
Website: www.littlebrushstrokes.co.uk
Lana Hughes - Custom Lettering and Signs
(Serving a 30 mile radius around London)
Website: www.thisislana.com
Email: hello@thisislana.com
Phone: 07450572621
Alison McInerney - Alimac Chalkboards
South West London (Twickenham)
Website: www.alimacchalkboards.co.uk
Email: alimacsw6@gmail.com
Ollie Stone
Brighton, East Sussex. (100 miles radius served)
Phone: 07847 965 903
Email: olliestoneillustration@outlook.com
Website: www.olliestone.com
The Chalk Guy - Christian Parker
Based in Portsmouth, Hampshire.
Phone: 07516477282
South West
Amy - Beloved Creations
Based in SW London
Email: hello@belovedcreations.co
Website: www.belovedcreations.co/chalk-art
Instagram: @belovedcreations.co
Ronnie Gould
Based in Frome, Somerset (100+ mile radius served)
Phone: 07889309032
Email: worzel12@yahoo.co.uk
Barry Wizz
Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset (50-mile radius served)
Phone: 07726 326600
Email: barry@wizzsigns.co.uk
Website: www.wizzsigns.co.uk
The Blackboard Guy
Plymouth, PL21 9TY.
(100+ mile radius served)
Phone: 07971 177491
Email: scott@theblackboardguy.co.uk
Facebook Page James Mason - James Mason Chalkboards
Gloucester, South West and West Midlands.
Phone: 07511 039118
Email: jamesmasonchalkboards@gmail.com
Roni Donald Chalkboard Artist / Signwriter
Chippenham (60-mile radius served)
Phone: 07935953591
Email: ronidonald@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: Chalkboard Artist Roni Donald
South Wales
Lois Smith - Board of Chalking
South Wales
Phone: 07507 746 763
Email: boardofchalking@gmail.com
Instagram: Instagram.com/loissmithdesign
Facebook: Facebook.com/loissmithdesign
Examples of each Chalkboard Artist's work can be viewed by visiting their websites or social media channels.